Positive Change
Your belief system dictates what you deem to be important; therefore, it influences what you value both personally and professionally. Your professional values guide your decisions and behaviour in the workplace.
Living a life that is congruent with your fundamental beliefs allows you to be authentic and find your purpose. Facing challenging life experiences provides us the opportunity to gain wisdom. Our reaction to life's obstacles improves over time if we seek self-improvement.
I strive to demonstrate leadership at work and encourage positive change. As a Neurophysiology Technologist providing a health care service, I feel compelled to exude not only skillfulness and accountability, but also to showcase compassion and empathy. My goal is for my patients to leave an interaction with me feeling heard and optimistic, since I value respect and empowerment.
I believe strong teamwork amongst healthcare professionals results in the best patient care. To me, a harmonious work environment has a culture that values equality and safety. My professional identity is influenced by the values highlighted above.

Vancouver Coastal Health, the Health Sciences Association, the British Columbia Society of Electroneurophysiology Technologists, and the Canadian Board of Registered Electroencephalograph Technologists (CBRET), all have distinct values too. Being affiliated with these organizations and regulatory bodies means that I am responsible for honouring and upholding these values.
Common themes amongst all of them include fostering excellence, promoting continuous education, and expecting proficiency. In order to become registered through CBRET, I had to pass three types of examinations. For the oral exam, I flew out to Calgary to be examined by a group of Neurologists and Neurophysiology Technologists. I answered questions regarding pathology, medication, troubleshooting, clinical procedures, and electroencephalograph (EEG) samples. I also completed a pediatric and adult record review. The written exam focused on patient care and assessment information, health and safety material, and technological questions. During the practical exam, I was observed while performing a routine EEG study on an outpatient. Testing knowledge in various formats ensures mastery of the subject matter.

Canadian Board of Registration of Electroencephalograph Technologists (2016). Standard One: Minimum Technical Standards Clinical Electroencephalography: Routine Adult. Retrieved from
Canadian Board of Registration of Electroencephalograph Technologists (2016). Standard Two: Minimum Technical Standards Clinical Electroencephalography: Routine Pediatric 8 Weeks Post-Term and Older. Retrieved from
Canadian Board of Registration of Electroencephalograph Technologists (2016). Standard Three: Minimum Technical Standards Clinical Electroencephalography: Routine Neonatal. Retrieved from
Canadian Board of Registration of Electroencephalograph Technologists, & Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (2016). Competency Profile. Retrieved from
"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded."
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Epilepsy Canada (2010). Answers to Your Questions. Retrieved from https://www.epilepsy.ca/uploads/7/0/8/6/70868839/epilepsy_answers2011.pdf
Epilepsy Canada (2010). Seizures and First Aid. Retrieved from https://www.epilepsy.ca/uploads/7/0/8/6/70868839/epilepsy_first_aid2011.pdf
Epilepsy Canada (2009). Your Medication for Epilepsy. Retrieved from https://www.epilepsy.ca/uploads/7/0/8/6/70868839/medication-new.pdf
Patel, A. & Curtis, R. (2004). Ketogenic Diet. Retrieved from https://www.epilepsy.ca/uploads/7/0/8/6/70868839/ketoen.pdf