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Logic Models

Alexandra Thomson

A logic model helps define the sequence of activities, necessary resources, and expectations for a health promotion project. The logic models I created provide a visual representation of the planning, implementation, and evaluation of my community engagement and epilepsy self-management strategies. The community engagement logic model focuses on the relevant stakeholders that should communicate their expertise or needs to effectively design the epilepsy self-management training. The epilepsy self-management logic model clarifies the program's objectives, activities, and expected outcomes.

References: BC Epilepsy Society (2022). How are we celebrating epilepsy awareness month and International Purple Day for epilepsy awareness this year? BC Epilepsy Society. Retrieved October 16, 2023 from month-and-international-purple-day-for-epilepsy-awareness-this-year/ Champion, V.L. & Skinner, C.S. (2008). The health belief model. In Glanz, K., Rimer, B.K. & Viswanath, K. (Eds.), Health behaviour and health education: Theory, research, and practice (pp.45-65). Jossey-Bass. England, M.J., Liverman, C.T., Schultz, A.M. & Strawbridge, L.A. (2012). Epilepsy across the spectrum: Promoting health and understanding: A summary of the Institute of Medicine report. Epilepsy & Behavior, 25(2), 266-276. HealthLink BC (2021). Epilepsy. HealthLink BC. Retrieved October 16, 2023 from Luedke, M.W., Blalock, D.V., Lewinski, A.A., Shapiro, A., Drake, C., Lewis, J.D., Goldstein, K.M., Husain, A.M., Gierisch, J.M., Sinha, S.R., Tran, T.T., Gordon, A.M., Kosinski, A.S., Bosworth, H.B., Van Noord, M., Williams, J.W. (2019). Self-management of Epilepsy: A systematic review. Evidence Synthesis Program. Retrieved February 4, 2023 from https://www.ncbi.hlm.nih/gov/books/NBK544549/pdf/Bookshelf_NBK544549.pdf World Health Organization (2017). Infographics on epilepsy. WHO. Retrieved October 16, 2023 from https://apps.who/int/mediacentre/infographic/mental-health/epilepsy/en/index.html



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